Released: 29 March 2020
Duration: 54 minutes, 8 seconds
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Paul Carr and
Daniela DePaulis welcome Dr. Paola Castaño to talk about her research among the science teams working on the
International Space Station.
Guest Bio
Paola Costaño |
Paola Castaño is a sociologist of science. She recently completed a Newton International Fellow funded by The British Academy at
Cardiff University and is working on a book about the meanings and valuations of scientific research on the International Space Station. On the basis of ethnographic work following the life course of experiments sent to the station, the book examines the fields of particle physics, plant
biology and
biomedical research. She has a PhD in
sociology from the University of Chicago, and has been a postdoctoral researcher at the
Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington DC, the
Free University of Berlin, and
Waseda University in Tokyo.
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Castaño's article on Cogito
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Our YouTube Channel
Co-hosts: Paul Carr and Daniela De Paulis
Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky,
Blue Dot Sessions,
Lee Maddeford, and Lloyd Rogers
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